Bonnie White

Author's posts


École Lac des Bois PAC Meeting                                                    September 23, 2020 6:30                            Welcome, Call to Order, Adoption of Agenda 6:30-6:35                  Adoption of Minutes 6:35-6:45                  DPAC/Financial report 6:45-7:15                 Principal’s Report 7:15-7:20                  Old Business Mills school supplies Laptops Mural 7:20-7:45                  New Business Annual reports of current executive Elections Funding for teachers-Covid- gaming *motion needed* 7:45- 8:00                 …

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Colibri has been postponed until October!

PAC meetings are going virtual!

We are excited to invite you to join the first zoom PAC meeting of the year on September 23rd @6:30. This is a great opportunity to get involved with your child’s school and “be in the know”. We have some exciting positions available on the executive and elections will be held this month!

Watch for the Colibri fundraiser September 15th-28th .

Canada made reusable snack bags in 15 cute prints. Re-usable face masks also available this year! Help the environment and support your school! Each year Colibri helps schools all across Canada by encouraging families to pack a litterless lunch. With 15 designs to choose from, we know your child will find some they love!

Confused and looking for answers on Back to School questions?

Please visit the BCCPAC website for comprehensive answers on this unique back to school year.

Hot lunch update

Please check your inboxes for our last update of the year regarding hot lunches. Important and time sensitive information is provided for families who will not have any children returning to Lac des Bois next year.

It’s the last PAC meeting of the year!! Please join us for a virtual PAC meeting Tuesday June 9 @ 6:30

Join Zoom Meeting: Join from a browser: Meeting ID: 940 0232 0893

Reminder of zoom PAC meeting tonight @ 6:30

Please join us for a virtual PAC meeting Tuesday May 19 @ 6:30

Join Zoom Meeting: LDB PAC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join from a browser: Join by Phone:(Toll-free) : 8557038985,,7929260646#(Toll-free) : 800035704555,,7929260646# Meeting ID: 792 926 0646

Upcoming fundraisers and school closure

Due to the announcement of the indefinite closure of schools due to Covid19, the PAC is cancelling the Purdy’s Easter campaign and suspending the hot lunch program. A letter to affected families will be emailed providing further information.