Kelly Prinz

Author's posts


Due to low enrollment numbers, we have hadto cancel this event. We would love to hearfeedback on what may have held you backfrom signing up for this type of event, or whatother events may appeal to your family, forfuture planning by the PAC. Please email us at

Grade 7 Travel Club & PAC Fundraiser

Do you need a night out as a couple? Dinnerwith a friend? Really the night is yours! Sign up for Parents Night Out being held onFebruary 14th. This will be held from 6-9PM.This is a fundraiser to support the Grade 7Travel Club & PAC. **Open to LDB students only** When registering for this fun event, …

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Kindergarten Registration

Have you been considering Ecole Lac des Boisfor your child? Don’t miss out on Kindergartenregistration, if your student meets therequirements to enter school this fall. Opens When: Wednesday, January 29thTime: 9:00AMFor: Online Application Registration has two parts. The onlineapplication and the requested documents thatneed to be handed in at the school beforeFebruary 5th. Here is …

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Kindergarten Parent Info Night

When: Thursday, January 23, 2025Time: 5:00PM-6:00PMWhere: Ecole Lac Des Bois Library For all parents looking for more information onif French Immersion is for your child, pleasejoin Admin from Ecole Lac des Bois for aKindergarten Parent Info Night. Ask thequestions you may have, hear about what theschool can provide your child and learn whatFrench Immersion is …

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I can’t believe the end of Winter Break isupon us. I hope everyone has a great firstday back at school and catching up with theirpeers and teachers. UPCOMING THIS WEEK: Wednesday Jan. 8th – Panago Hot Lunch


All this week is Spirit Week at Ecole Lac des Bois. A fun filled week at school for all students.In addition to the themes (see photo) each day,please note these additional items each day too.Monday, Dec. 16 – Theme: Colour dayTuesday, Dec. 17 – Hot dog lunch for all studentsTheme: Christmas/Holiday Hat & Sweater DayWednesday, …

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Flowers for Families Fundraiser

This amazing fundraiser is a great wayto support the music programs at EcoleLac des Bois, along with supporting familiesin need this holiday season. By purchasing aflower or more for your child(ren) to give tothem after their winter concert on December12th, donations will be split 50% to the school’smusic program and 50% to the Salvation Army. …

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Cougars Hockey Game

Have you picked up your tickets yet to one ofthe most popular games. The Teddy Bear Tossis so fun for kids. Well guess what? We havebeen given a discount code to buy tickets toattend and cheer on our local team. Please use this discount code: “LACDESBOIS” when selecting your tickets for purchase andcome enjoy the …

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Growing Smiles fundraiser closing soon

This PAC fundraiser closes Tuesday, November19th at midnight. The ordering link is below:http://ldbgrowingsmilesfundraising.comBeautiful Poinsettia plants, winter bouquetsand holiday centerpieces to enjoy in your homethis holiday season.


FAMILY GAME NIGHT Come and join classmates and their familiesat the Math Magic Family Game NightWhen: Thursday, Nov. 28th, 2024Time: 6:00PM – 8:00PMCost: FREE -Secure your free tickets on theHot Lunch website, this helps us plan for theamount of families attending. Come join us and have some family fun with math.