Purdy’s Chocolates

Despite a Purdy’s store opening in the mall we hope you will continue to purchase your chocolates through the school.  Our prices are the same as the physical store and you are supporting your child’s school at the same time! Win-win!!

Thank you for helping us to raise funds to continue to make Lac des Bois a great school with amazing programs and activities! 

At this time, we are only using Online Ordering.  Paper orders will be accepted after a few weeks.



Please visit  https://group.purdys.com/login.aspx

Step 1: Either Sign In (if you’re already registered) or Register (If you’re new)
     Step 1.a. If you are a returning customer and you don’t see the correct group, follow the prompts to enter the Customer number 22144 to join the group.
     Step 1.b.  *** Only if you are new to Purdy’s and need to “Register”, continue by clicking “Register as a member”,  fill in your information as well as Customer number 22144, then click Join a Group”

Step 2: Go to group home page and then choose the shop online tab 


Step 3:  Once you have chosen your items, choose the Pay for Orders tab, and proceed as directed.   

If you have any difficulties please contact Jodi Nelson and she will get back to you a.s.a.p. !

Chocolate contact: Jodi Nelson, via email: ldbpac@gmail.com!