Subway Hot Lunch Postponed to Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

Order deadline is Tuesday, November 8th at midnight!

The first hot lunch of the year will take place on November 16, 2022

To order visit

Remember that each school year you have to register again as we don’t keep parents information for more than a year. More info on this below…

If you are available to volunteer between 11:30 and 12:30 please check off the box in HotLunches that you can volunteer or email:

Here is some helpful info sent out in the school October newsletter about Hot Lunches:

Hello Lac des Bois Parents!

We are thrilled to be offering hot lunches again this year! We are going to be serving hot lunches on the
second and fourth Wednesday of each month.

To order hot lunches, you will need to set up an account. If you have had an account in the past, don’t
bother digging out your old password, you will need to set up a brand-new account. Every summer we delete all the old user information as classes change, and due to privacy concerns, we actually do not want to hold onto the information.

However, we did save your account balances from last year. If you use the same email address as last year, your account balance will post to your new account.

1) To set up an account you need two pieces of information:
 You’ll need an email address. We do email information regarding hot lunches. If you’ve never had a hot
lunch account, choose an email that you monitor. If you were registered last year, use the email you
used last year. This is really important if you had a balance from the last school year.
 You’ll need to know your children’s teacher and division numbers

2) Go to the following internet address: and register for an account. Once you’ve registered, the menus open for orders are listed for each child you have in your
account. Another way to get to the hot lunch site is to navigate from the PAC website. You should also
check out the PAC website for other school related information. The website is:

3) Hot Lunch Rules to keep in mind:
 If you had an account last year, please reuse the same email address. This will post your account
balance from last year to your new account.
 We are no longer accepting cash, well we didn’t last year either. But we have changed from PayPal to
Bambora. The first benefit is that we can do mass refunds, for example when the school shuts down
unexpectedly and two hot lunches are cancelled. The second benefit is that the transaction fees are
lower. Yes, there were transaction fees with PayPal, but we included them in the food cost. This year,
you will see the transaction fees as a line item on your bill. This is far more accurate as you will be
charged based on your specific order. In the past we averaged the fee across the menu, which allows
for error.
 We do not accept late orders. The restaurants need the orders by a specific date.
 This year we are allowing changes to paid orders, but only prior to the order deadline. Now you can
adjust your order, just in case your child loved green peppers last week but won’t eat anything
touching a green pepper this week.
 You are responsible for knowing if a meal meets your child’s dietary restrictions. We offer details when
we know them (such as dairy free), but please confirm with the restaurant if the dietary needs are
severe. The PAC is not responsible for any food allergy incidences. We try to offer vegan and
vegetarian options on each menu.
 If you order a meal, but do not pay, you will get a reminder email the day before the order deadline. If
you wish to receive the meal, pay before the deadline. Unpaid orders are deleted after the deadline.
 Hot Lunches are optional, you do not have to participate
 If your child is not in attendance on the day of hot lunch, it will be kept in the PAC fridge for 24 hours.

There will be no refunds. You are responsible for picking up the lunch.

As always, if you have questions or concerns email us at
