École Lac des Bois PAC Meeting AGENDA
April 18, 2019
6:30 pm
6:30 Welcome, Call to Order, Adoption of Agenda
6:30-6:35 Adoption of Minutes
6:35-6:45 Executive Reports
6:45-6:55 DPAC report
6:55-7:05 Principal’s Report
7:05-7:20 Old Business
- Mission Statement update to constitution and bylaws (vote)
- Purdy’s spring campaign completed (Jodi)
- PAC electronic sign updates (various)
7:20-7:45 New Business
- Funding for student lunches (motion: $30-$50/week)
- Funding for hot lunch
- Foodsafe online (2 volunteers: Jodi Nelson, Julie Anderson)
- BCCPAC proxy vote
- Junk in the Trunk postponement
7:45- 8:00 Other Business
- Gaming spending guidelines (Deanna)
- May elections for PAC executive – roles and responsibilities
- Kernels popcorn fundraiser idea
Next PAC meeting: May 16 , 2019