Wasabi hot lunch is rescheduled to Wednesday, March 9, 2022.

Bonjour/Hello/Hadih Parents and Guardians:

The Wasabi hot lunch is rescheduled to Wednesday, March 9, 2022.

We are delaying the re-start of hot lunches until Wednesday, March 9, 2022 due to the potential risk of unforeseen class cancellations or school closures in the future. Due to the staff shortages being faced across the district it is difficult to predict at this time for 100% certainty if our school would be able to remain open in the event of a staff shortage. This is a precautionary measure to ensure we are not put in a position where parents/guardians pay for food and we can’t get the food to students.

For parents/guardians that have an order in for Wasabi you have the ability to cancel your order before it closes in March if you wish. Parents who had previously ordered Dana Mandi you should see a credit on your account in the next few days as our team is working with the software to make this happen. Thanks in advance for your understanding and if you have any questions, concerns or feedback please feel free to email us or attend our virtual PAC meeting tomorrow starting at 6 pm.


The PAC Hot Lunch Team!
